Acupuncture is considered to be a system of complementary medicine, in which fine needles (0.16mm), are inserted in the skin at specific Acupuncture points along what are considered to be lines of energy (Meridians).
This therapy is often safely used alongside Western Medicine in IVF Clinics, Midwifery, Psychiatry as well as for Palliative Care.
There are 2 main styles of Acupuncture:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and
- 5 Element Acupuncture.
Meridian Acupuncture practises an integrated style, so draws on both elements of TCM and 5 Elements in combination with tongue and pulse diagnosis, in order to determine and treat the root cause of any eneregtic inbalances, such that the symptoms are alleviated and patients feel better.
Fertility Acupuncture is often a blend of both TCM and 5 Element Acupuncture – ensuring the physical body is pain free, our mental-emotional bodies are supported, and our Spirit is strong.