I’ve seen Aliya through both of my pregnancies but my most recent experience was in preparation for the birth of my little boy Ted. I had gone a week overdue and my midwife had started to discuss induction which was something I was hoping to avoid. I was anxious about the idea of induction and really wanted to kick things off naturally. Aliya was fantastic, very calm (as usual, i’m presuming she comes across quite a few anxious pregnant ladies in her job!) I had an appointment with Aliya to help encourage labour. It was fantastic, bizarrely I felt calm, I felt ready and also confident that my body would work with me to deliver my son. I remember Aliya texting me to check I was ok the following day and offfering me another session and that she could squeeze me in before she was going on holiday (this is the kind of thoughtful person Aliya is) anyway it wasn’t necessary! I’d started to have contractions within 36 hours of the appointment and had my little boy in a water birth with just gas and air 8 hours later. This was my dream birth plan and I’m so glad I was able to see this through. I’m convinced that using acupuncture to help me induce labour was key to this process.