Treatment Type: De-stressing and balancing emotions

Mrs Stevens

4.7 out of 5
I found Ali via a internet search as I had heard that acupuncture can help with trying to fall pregnant. After looking at a few different therapists I felt Ali was worth a try. I started treatment with her I think back in 2015. At first I was very skeptical with the whole acupuncture thing and wasn’t expecting any results but after the first 3 sessions I would say I was seeing a difference with my anxiety getting better and I was feeling a lot more relaxed. When I started treatment I suffered from very painful periods and had done for years (with a pain rating of 10/10). We really worked on this during my treatment because its very important when trying to prepare for pregnancy. After a couple of months the painful periods started to get less painful and just before I fell pregnant I was getting periods on the pain scale of 1 (with 1 being lowest). To cut a long story short, I fell pregnant with twins in February 2017 and I really do believe its because I took the time to work with Ali and prepare my body and mind and get myself to the optimum state I needed to be in to achieve a positive pregnancy result. I will be continuing my treatment throughout my pregnancy as I want to give my mind and body the best chance to go to full term and deliver two healthy happy little babies. If anyone is thinking about using Ali as there therapist then don’t think twice, go for it, seeing that positive pregnancy result was worth every penny :).

Tova Tampe

5.0 out of 5
I started seeing Aliya during my second trimester with my second baby as I was experiencing migraines for the first time in my life. The treatments helped ease the pain very quickly, and I found the sessions so helpful that I continued to seek care for the remainder of my pregnancy for various issues that came up (energy, stress, digestion, etc). Aliya is incredibly skilled, makes you feel very comfortable and creates a calm and soothing environment for treatment. Most of the sessions I fell into a very deep relaxation or even sleep. Any pregnant mother needing some overall balancing and support during those difficult months would truly benefit from a treatment. I can’t recommend her highly enough!

Rebecca Postles

5.0 out of 5
In March 2017 my beautiful daughter Emilia arrived and I feel truly blessed. However the journey to concieving our daughter was not an easy one. It is only when you have battled with infertility that you truly understand how distressing this can be.
Ali was recommended to me by a friend following the birth of her daughter. I cannot recommend her sessions highly enough for many reasons. For me I felt the stress/anxiety lift making me feel better in myself. Not to mention the help with my periods etc. I have no doubt that Ali played a huge part in making it possible for us to have a child. It was a huge positive to me through my journey to have someone to talk to in confidence as life through me a few curve balls.
Thank you Ali, I will be continuing to come for Accupunture.
I can’t wait for you to meet our beautiful daughter.

Mrs Peel

4.7 out of 5
I started seeing Ali back in August 2015 having been recommended Meridian Acupuncture by a friend. We suffered our miscarriage in the June that year and by the time I came to see her I think it’s fair to say I was near the end of my tether.
We sadly lost our little bean at 10 weeks, and we were advised that we would see out our miscarriage naturally. But the bleeding just didn’t stop… it went on and on and on and was a constant reminder of our loss every single day.

I didn’t find my GPs particularly helpful during this time and in some cases nor were they sympathetic. Having been asked what form of contraception we were using when we were trying to GET pregnant I took myself back to the early pregnancy unit at my local hospital (who were wonderful) to beg for some answers.
Long story short, and I appreciate a non-medical explanation as such, my body still thought I was pregnant. That was the moment I realised my hormones must be ‘all over the shop’ so I took on board our friend’s feedback; how acupuncture had helped her with hormone imbalance, preparing her body for pregnancy and the emotional and physical recovery of her own loss. I was fully prepared to do anything to feel like myself again and to help my body.

So, with Ali we agreed our primary focus would be to stop the bleeding and bring back some normality to my periods; both the cycle and symptoms. It took 4 sessions for me to sight any notable difference in that the bleeding was very much starting to subside. Ironically, my new worry would then be about getting my next period! The whole aim of the game here was after-all, for us to be getting pregnant so I found myself praying for a ‘normal’ period, because of course following that, you get those golden days of prime fertility to take advantage of! Low and behold and a further 3 sessions on, the perfect period arrived.
These 7 sessions were spread from the August to the December and I was roughly seeing Ali once a fortnight. I returned in the new year of 2016 having received a belated, but special Christmas pressie, we were pregnant!
Naturally I was a little anxious this second time around and decided to see Ali each week up to our 12 week scan to support us with a strong and rooted pregnancy.
We had our super little boy Ralph in September 2016 :).

I can’t sing the praises of or recommend Ali enough. Having never had acupuncture before I am now a complete advocate. With Ali you get something more and I’d always look forward to my sessions with her and feel so calm and relaxed afterwards, no matter how much of a whirlwind I’d turn up as! I could be totally open with Ali and share all my emotions, thoughts, feelings with her, and if I didn’t, she’d soon suss me out anyway because I’d often feel that she was more in tune with my body than sometimes I was. So it was no surprise when I turned up in the January and she’d guessed my pregnancy before I’d even uttered the words out of my mouth!

Turns out a little patience and belief go a long way.

Sophie Hall

5.0 out of 5
I first went to see Aliya in February 2015 after a traumatic ectopic pregnancy. My husband and I were keen to start a family and unfortunately we were dealt quite a rough hand! I was recommended to see Ali when speaking to my homeopath to help strengthen my body and prepare for another pregnancy, I have to say I was very nervous as I had never had acupuncture before, never known anyone who had done it so I didn’t know what to expect. On my first meeting my confidence was very low and my body was not in good shape. Ali made me feel right at home and even after my first treatment I left feeling very positive. The first few sessions Ali concentrated in clearing pains, sleeping better, easing anxiety and making my body strong and ready for a baby.
We soon decided to go down the IVF route and Ali was there every step of the way. She helped alongside the drug treatment not only with the physical but also the emotional. We chose the natural frozen embryo transfer cycle and Ali saw me just before the transfer and right after which I truly believe resulted in the positive pregnancy test on the 15th November! Ali then saw me every week (sometimes even twice a week at my more anxious times) throughout the whole of my pregnancy. Not only did Ali help in getting my pregnant she then became a very important support network for me. Being pregnant after a traumatic time was very scary and I was worried about everything! Every twinge and movement I would panic about but Ali was there to reassure me and keep little baby strong and safe.
When I was ready to ‘pop’ Ali then induced me and little Amelie Iva was born on the 15th July. She came into the world very strong, healthy and most importantly to a happy and healthy mum. I can honestly say I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without Ali and we owe a lot to her for all of her support throughout a very difficult time. Ali will have a very special place in our family and I can’t recommend her enough! Now, if that hasn’t made you want to use Ali then this will…Amelie is a false advert for babies! She is so calm and content. She loves to sleep and feed and her development is fantastic. People can’t quite believe how calm and easy she is! That is also all down to Ali making her strong and chilled throughout the pregnancy…that or she was a Buddha in a past life! The last thing I want to say, is not only will Ali help you physically, you will receive such care and emotional support, and sometimes just a friendly rational person to let off some (usually irrational) thoughts too! I have never received such care from a professional in all my time. She is wonderful! I just wish that every expectant or hoping to be expectant mother has the privilege of seeing Ali.

Fionnguala Sherry-Brennan

5.0 out of 5
A visit to Meridian Acupuncture was my first experience of acupuncture. Although I was apprehensive Aliya made me feel very welcome and I was soon at ease. Each session was deeply healing and has had lasting, positive effects.

Mehak Sood Paul

5.0 out of 5
Hi my name is Mehak. I’m with Aliya from last 9 months, she’s a great human being. My partner and I were trying for baby from 2014. I had endometriosis which was discovered by doctors in 2014. I had cyst removal surgery in 2016 and started trying for baby again but no positive result. I met Aliya when I was totally fed up from my life seeing negative pregnancy test results. When I met Aliya for the first time I still remember it was 1hr and 45 min session. In my first session with her during initial assessment I cried for 45 mins before she started the treatment. Great thing Is Aliya never make false promises, in first meeting She clearly said she can’t promise the pregnancy but acupuncture does help in fertility related issues. From 2014-2016 every month my periods used to get delayed by 5-10 days and The discharge used to be brown colour. Aliya told me that my womb was not well oxygenated that’s why I bleed brown. She started treating me and within 30-40 days I started feeling great, no headaches, my periods got regular and the colour was bright red. I started feeling healthy and very very happy. I took pregnancy test in feb 2017 and it was positive. I was so overwhelmed to see that, the credit goes to Aliya. Today I’m 30 weeks pregnant, I’ve been regular with Aliya and Never missed even a single session. Acupuncture has kept me active and healthy throughout my pregnancy. My partner and I we are glad to have Aliya in our life. Aliya will always be first mother to my child and we are thankful to her and acupuncture for this beautiful blessing. I recommend Meridian Acupuncture, if anyone needs any help or want to discuss any thing about acupuncture feel free to contact me.

Jessica Allen

5.0 out of 5
I had heard about acupuncture for the five elements from a friend who lives quite a way away and told me to research this treatment for imbalanced emotions. I first saw Ali in Oct 14 initially as I was having trouble getting upset about my father (for no reason – he was fine!) and after just one session I didnt cry since. I continued to see Ali on a regular basis to keep me feeling balanced and to also help with my Colitis – an ongoing digestive condition. Whilst I was there Ali would ensure my health was okay in other areas – one of which I was even aware was ‘normal’ was night sweats during menstruation. I continued to visit Ali every now and again to keep these ailments at bay, if I was going through stressful times or feeling low then this would keep me topped up.
In Nov 16 I unfortunately suffered a miscarriage and Ali performed appropriate acupuncture to nourish my body at a very low time and help also to help balance my emotions. I began seeing a therapist in January and returned to Ali in May 17 as I was struggling to get my periods back to normal following the miscarriage and was also dealing with my Dad being diagnosed with cancer. Ali performed the acupuncture and gave me guidance of things to do to bring things back inline. In June 17 my husband and I were finally ready to try again and Ali performed bi-monthly acupuncture to prepare my body to become pregnant and give me the best chances of a successful conception. After a few sessions and following her guidance/homework to the letter (she really knows her stuff, but you have to be committed and do what she says at home!) by the end of July I became pregnant!!!!! ? Upon seeing that ‘dreamed of’ blue line on the pregnancy test, I then visited Ali on a weekly basis until I reached 12 weeks. This was to keep the pregnancy strong, calm my expected anxiousness following previous miscarriage and also to treat my morning sickness. Not only did it do all of these things but it actually was such a relief to be able to visit someone on a weekly basis who is an expert in their field and so reassuring. In days when my anxiety was very bad, Ali would keep me calm and reassure me all of my symptoms were right on track and the pregnancy was going perfectly. Without this I am not sure how I would have got through the first trimester – she really is like a fairy godmother, always there in your times of need xx.

Asmara Munir

5.0 out of 5
I came to see Aliya after suffering 3 miscarriages which left me an emotional wreck with stress and heart ache. I did have 1 successful baby but 3 miscarriages. I carried a huge amount of emotions and anger and wondered if I could conceive successfully again. All the miscarriages were early before 12 weeks. The baby’s heart beat would stop between 6-8 weeks each time. There would always be a huge amount of build up of happiness and after a scan I would be left deflated. So I found ali and decided to give it a try.

After the first session I slept like a baby and woke up feeling like my world had come to a stand still. I was relaxed and calm. I had never felt like this before. Over the course of the next 2-3 sessions my emotions started to run clear and I felt like more weight and stress had been lifted and I began to feel happiness again within myself.

I then successfully fell pregnant I had acupuncture weekly until the 12 week scan which Was successful thanks to the treatment as it kept me calm and kept the pregnancy rooted and healthy.

I continued my treatments weekly at the end of the pregnancy to help with labour and induction. This made my dilation from 0-9cm in just few hours. Was a great result.

I have found that by doing all the acupuncture treatments with Aliya have been so beneficial to me and the baby keeping us both calm during pregnancy and labour. I have found my baby now 4 months old is really calm relaxed sleeps at night and is so much happier all day than my first child who was the total opposite with no acupuncture at all.

I am thankful to Aliya who has put up with me all year and a great listener very understanding and this treatment gives hope to lots of women who are trying to conceive or have had miscarriages that you can go on to have healthy happy babies. I recommend Aliya to everyone.