Treatment Type: Alleviating Pain, numbness, chronic fatigue

Hazel Peet

5.0 out of 5
I first starting visiting Aliya for acupuncture a year ago after having surgery on my back in May 2013. After the surgery I tried steroid and painkiller injections into my vertebrae via an NHS pain clinic and also regular massage but it didn’t work. I was having to take high doses of co-codamol, tramadol and gabapentin to control my pain. This meant I was unable to try for a baby and I actually felt hopeless in the fact I thought i’d never be well enough to carry a pregnancy. It took a few sessions before it started to work, probably due to the log standing back problems I’ve had for the past 16 years, but the perseverance paid off. I am now free of all painkillers and visit Aliya approx. Every 8 weeks and this time gap is extending after every treatment. I also felt ready to start trying for a baby and am happy to report that we ‘got caught’ first time. I happy in the knowledge that Aliya will be able to continue treating me during my pregnancy and help keep my back pain at bay.
Aliya makes you feel relaxed and comfortable and talks you through every aspect of your care, I would highly recommend her.

Chantal Foy

5.0 out of 5
I started seeing Ali just over a year ago, I was on the brink of a diagnosis of Fibro Myalgia and had been off work with chronic fatigue. My main symptom at that stage was a near constant fluey aching feeling, I have a demanding job and had started to wonder if I could continue working, I am also a single mum to a 5 year old so working (and an income) is a priority for me.
After my first visit to Ali, my achy painful symptoms stopped, in the past year I have had the odd days re-occurrence but nothing more, which is hard to believe given where I was when I first met her.
I see Ali most months and have had treatment for periods (which has stopped mid cycle bleeds), a painful back (the pain ceased that evening), for stress management and general health maintenance.
My treatment with Ali has given me back a life quality which I was losing, I look forward to the sessions and always feel an emotional un-lift after each visit. I will continue to see Ali regularly as a way of managing my health going forward. Thank you Ali:).
P. S I recommended my sister to Ali following an unsuccessful attempt at IVF, I’m pleased to say my sister is 14 weeks pregnant (through natural means).
Chantal Foy.

Nikki Aldridge

5.0 out of 5
I was recommended to have acupuncture by a friend. My life has changed since meeting Ali. I was going thorough the menopause hot flushes no energy aches and pains. I’ve been going now for a year and it’s the best life changing move I’ve made. If any woman of that centain age is going through the same then please try acupuncture you will never look back. Cheers Ali. Regards Nikki.


4.7 out of 5
My right arm was in incredible pain to the point that I couldn’t sleep or function during the day. My doctors had just prescribed painkillers which just was not working. One session with Ali and the right arm/shoulder pain was completely relieved. Cannot thank Ali enough for her amazing skill and ability to cure my pain. Ali is absolutely wonderful!

Fionnguala Sherry-Brennan

5.0 out of 5
A visit to Meridian Acupuncture was my first experience of acupuncture. Although I was apprehensive Aliya made me feel very welcome and I was soon at ease. Each session was deeply healing and has had lasting, positive effects.

Tova Tampe

5.0 out of 5
I started seeing Aliya during my second trimester with my second baby as I was experiencing migraines for the first time in my life. The treatments helped ease the pain very quickly, and I found the sessions so helpful that I continued to seek care for the remainder of my pregnancy for various issues that came up (energy, stress, digestion, etc). Aliya is incredibly skilled, makes you feel very comfortable and creates a calm and soothing environment for treatment. Most of the sessions I fell into a very deep relaxation or even sleep. Any pregnant mother needing some overall balancing and support during those difficult months would truly benefit from a treatment. I can’t recommend her highly enough!

Mrs Stevens

4.7 out of 5
I found Ali via a internet search as I had heard that acupuncture can help with trying to fall pregnant. After looking at a few different therapists I felt Ali was worth a try. I started treatment with her I think back in 2015. At first I was very skeptical with the whole acupuncture thing and wasn’t expecting any results but after the first 3 sessions I would say I was seeing a difference with my anxiety getting better and I was feeling a lot more relaxed. When I started treatment I suffered from very painful periods and had done for years (with a pain rating of 10/10). We really worked on this during my treatment because its very important when trying to prepare for pregnancy. After a couple of months the painful periods started to get less painful and just before I fell pregnant I was getting periods on the pain scale of 1 (with 1 being lowest). To cut a long story short, I fell pregnant with twins in February 2017 and I really do believe its because I took the time to work with Ali and prepare my body and mind and get myself to the optimum state I needed to be in to achieve a positive pregnancy result. I will be continuing my treatment throughout my pregnancy as I want to give my mind and body the best chance to go to full term and deliver two healthy happy little babies. If anyone is thinking about using Ali as there therapist then don’t think twice, go for it, seeing that positive pregnancy result was worth every penny :).


5.0 out of 5
Aliya took a careful history and looked at my tongue and my pulses. She then explained what she was going to do and why. I found this very reassuring. She was warm, friendly and professional and respected my privacy. I noticed a lasting improvement in my pain and my mood after the treatment. Thank you!

Malcolm M

5.0 out of 5
I have been a client of Ailya’s since August 2010. I first went to Ailya with encouragement from my wife who had been successfully treated for pain management related to an acute shoulder problem. My wife felt that Ailya offered a better alternative for me to Western Medicine whose answer is often more medication.

After my very first session of Acupuncture I noted that I felt relaxed and de stressed. At that time I used to have the kind of headaches that “start at the back of the head and come over”. These are a thing of the past now and now Ailya treats the points at the back of my head to keep this in check. In the summer of 2011 Ailya identified sciatica, and used Acupuncture to clear the blockages causing the pain. The Doctor subsequently confirmed the diagnosis. Around that time Acupuncture was also used to cure pain in the left inner ankle and also to treat a bad whiplash injury and pain in the right hip following a car accident.

More recently Acupuncture has been used to both relieve joint pain and strengthen various areas of the body, including relief from irritation caused by Eczema.

Lately a form of massage practiced by Ailya (using the flow of the meridian) has eased pain in my left leg. The pain which was severe is now greatly reduced.