Treatment Type: De-stressing and balancing emotions

Penny Tate

4.7 out of 5
I first went to Ali in October 2010 having been booked off work by my GP with stress. I had always been able to cope with stress at work, however I guess doing 12-14 hour days for a long period of time soon took its toll. The stress manifested itself as chest pains due to the tension I held across my back and I also felt like a failure – “why could others cope and suddenly I cannot”

What impressed me with Ali was that she took the time to listen to me. She did not only treat the symptons of the stress but my whole body. We set 3 goals and they have all been met.

Ali would quite often give me a post card at the end of the session on which she had written what treatment she had done and then sometimes there was some “homework” for me to do. I have kept all the post cards and they have been really useful to look back on to see how far I have come and also as reminders of what I should be doing to look after myself.

Anyone thinking of trying acupunture for the first time, all I will say is go with an open mind. There were times it was rather painful and I did not really understand how this was going to help me. But the results soon started show. I have no chest pains, I am mentally and emotionally stronger. I am sleeping so much better without dreaming or having to get up to go the the bathroom.

I am back at work having managed to over come the stress by only using natural means – no drugs.

I still go every now and again to have a top up or an “MOT”.

N Rowland

5.0 out of 5
Ali was recommended by a friend who was studying acupuncture and thought that Ali’s gentle and caring nature was exactly what I needed. We are unable to conceive naturally and after several failed fertility treatments it was time to try something different. When I first met Ali I was having difficulty sleeping, it took me a long time to go to sleep and I would wake between 4 -5 am and not get back to sleep, after just 1 session I was going to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was also experiencing painful and irregular periods and within a couple of sessions I had no pain and a much healthier period and most importantly for my husband I was no longer like a demon.
From my first two ivf cycles I produced 9 eggs on the first attempt and 7 on the seconds since working with Ali my egg numbers have increased to 17 on the third attempt and 16 on the 4th attempt. On both occasions the hospital encouraged us to leave the embryo’s to develop to day 5 blastocyst stage which wasn’t an option on previous attempts we had 2 good quality blastocyst’s to put back. Sadly we haven’t been successful on either occasion but the improvement in the number and quality of eggs has given us hope for the future.
Ali has been a wonderful support and helped me in so many ways, she has regulated my period, improved my quality of sleep, helped to reduce my stress levels and improved egg quality and number of eggs. She is always very encouraging and at the end of every session she gives you a card with helpful suggestions and positive mantra’s, I have kept all of them and when I need a boost I have a read through and make sure I’m following all her advice.
I would highly recommend Ali as I have seen firsthand the difference acupuncture can make.

Hannah Morgan

5.0 out of 5
After trying to conceive for two years unsuccessfully, and suffering one miscarriage I decided to try accupuncture. Ali was extremely supportive from the outset and provided me with a different, welcome perspective on something that was becoming very frustrating emotionally and physically draining. From the first appointment I felt immediately relaxed and over the course of the next few weeks had noticed a huge improvement to my skin (mild acne due to pcos). Ali gave me homework after each session tailored specifically to what needed to improve and I followed this to the letter (none of it was unpleasant!) incredibly after only 6 weeks I discovered I was pregnant! I started seeing Ali weekly from this time to ensure the pregnancy was rooted and supported. This was so reassuring for me, particularly after my earlier miscarriage. I’m now 12 weeks pregnant and feeling fantastic and confident about my pregnancy, Ali was even able to help with my morning sickness when it struck at 7 weeks! Magic! I don’t know how or why acupuncture worked for me and to be honest I don’t care – it worked! Sometimes it’s just a question of putting your faith in something and someone else. I’ve already recommended Ali to good friends that are experiencing the same difficulties as I have every faith in her success rate.

Kirsty Lomas

5.0 out of 5
From my very first appointment with Ali I began to feel hopeful that my health could be restored. I had been suffering with recurrent cystitis on and off for ten years and really was at my wits end. My doctor repeatedly prescribed antibiotics to clear up the infection but never helped to address the underlying causes which meant I was susceptible to infection in the first place. Since I began acupuncture with Ali I have managed to get my infections under control and managed to be infection free for almost a year now, I haven’t required antibiotics for 9 months which is unbelievable! I really believe the acupuncture has been the main reason for this improvement. Ali made me feel comfortable talking about the issues I had from the start and has been a great support throughout this process. I could not recommend her more highly!

Alessia Pountney

5.0 out of 5
I first saw Ali in Sept 12 and she used Acupuncture to clear my headaches, reduce spotting, period pain, sore breasts, improve cervical secretions and balance emotions. On session 5 I felt amazing, not stressed one single bit, like a switch had been turned off. By session 10 I had no clots, no pain, my PMS was under control and I had a 28 day cycle (was 34 days in the past). Ali used Acupuncture alongside my IVF and on 24th Sept 13 I was 5 weeks pregnant !! I am now 15 weeks and feel great! I would definitely recommend Ali she has helped me thorough a difficult journey to become pregnant and has always kept me positive and calm.

Lisa Rigby

5.0 out of 5
I have visited Ali approx 5 times during the past 7 months and would highly recommend her excellent Acupuncture approach.
I had previously received treatment for recurrent miscarriages and had one daughter.
I saw Ali before becoming pregnant with my second child. I had suffered two further miscarriages and was completely drained as well as losing all hope.
After the first visit I felt so so much lighter, optimistic and healthier!
Ali took the time to listen, understand and then offer some very valuable advice as well as wisdom.
Its been an eventful journey over the past 7 months and I am now 22 weeks pregnant with a very healthy baby :).
Thank you so much Ali, I shall return for post-natal calming!

Penelope Joy King

5.0 out of 5
Review for Alyia.
I have suffered with chronic eye irritation for over ten years: this involves all year round itchy eyes and eyelids; also inflammation which sometimes causes swelling.
I spent two years having appointments at the eye hospital but they said there was nothing wrong with the health of my eyes and prescribed dry eye drops which gave little relief.
I visit my doctor at least six times a year but he says there is nothing he can do for me, apart from give me anti-histamine and steroid eye-drops occasionally. The only relief I have had is by using steroid eye drops but these are dangerous if used too frequently and for long periods of time as they cause cataracts.
I have used every type of eye drop available and have also used countless supplements to improve eye health but nothing seemed to work and I began to believe I would always suffer this discomfort.
Acupuncture was the end of the road for me and I really did not hold out much hope. I was reasonably sceptical but also open to any possible relief for a chronic condition.
While I did not experience immediate results, I did feel much calmer after a couple of sessions and my skin got noticeably healthier and less dry (I have suffered with eczema for years and accepted it as non-curable).
Acupuncture seeks to rebalance the body and so I could understand the logic of its benefits in terms of allergic conditions as these often arise from imbalance and the body overacting. In this sense steroids help because they repress these reactions but they don’t in any way cure them.
I had a major setback a couple of months after first having acupuncture every two weeks for three months, but thereafter I got so much better and my family began to comment on it. I still had itchy eyes but the redness disappeared and subsequently my eyes did feel far less itchy and I began to feel I had my eyes back.
Alyia is highly professional – she doesn’t promise instant cures although she believes in them. She listens and responds sensitively. She is direct in her questioning but not intrusive and you get the feeling the answers to the questions are for your benefit, not hers. She is totally positive unlike most of the health professionals I have consulted and adapts her treatment to you as a person.
Sometimes I thought if this doesn’t work, I’ll come anyway because I feel much calmer afterwards. But the truth is my eyes are so much better – the first thing I noticed was the redness went – they were much clearer – my skin was clearer – everything seemed clearer.
I am not totally cured but for the first time in more than ten years I am beginning to believe I will not have to live with this condition for life. I can’t tell you how good that feels.

Joy King May 2014.

Dorothy Hayward

5.0 out of 5
I was booked in for a medical induction the week after my acupuncture treatment. I really wanted to try a more natural method of induction and felt this may work. Aliya has an excellent manner and quickly explained the process and made me feel at ease. I have never had acupuncture before so wasn’t sure what to expect. She tailored the acupuncture to my own needs and what she felt would be useful to work on. She explained the process as she went along so that I felt calm and informed.

She felt my body responded well to the treatment and suggested that I go away and see what progressed. There was an option to book another appointment in a few days time which made me feel less panicked that ‘this has to work’.

Low and behold four days after treatment my waters broke naturally and I delivered a healthy little boy without requiring a medical induction. I strongly believe that acupuncture instigated and helped this process along.

I would definitely advice acupuncture for induction and I am sure I will see Aliya in the future for any other issues.

Hannah Hartley

5.0 out of 5
I started visiting Aliya just over a year ago and amazingly almost a year on to the day my baby girl arrived in the world. This was nothing short of a miracle in my eyes having suffered 3 miscarriages in just under 2 years. When I went to see Aliya I was particularly low and desperate but following regular visits, within 3 months I had had my first ‘perfect period’ (apologies if that is too much information!). My body really responded to the acupuncture treatment and within no time at all I felt strong enough to try again. I continued the treatment all through my pregnancy and recently delivered my daughter. I cannot thank Aliya enough for the amazing treatment I have undergone over the last year, without it I feel sure I would not be in the position I am today. I would highly recommend Aliya to anyone who has undergone any fertility issues.

Marie Marshall

5.0 out of 5
Ali has helped me become pregnant successfully twice. I last posted a review for Ali in November 2012 (which can still be viewed – I was then Marie Lord), my opinion has not changed however what I would like to clarify is that I have had 4 pregnancies in total, 2 have resulted in miscarriage, 1 has resulted in a beautiful (now 22 month old) baby girl and a second so far 25 week successful pregnancy expecting a boy. The detail is Ali assisted me with 2 of those pregnancies, I will leave it to you to work out which 2. She is a fantastic, sympathetic, understanding and knowledable practioner who understands more about you than you do. Her only aim is to help you in whatever areas you need and bring balance back to your life. Again, if you are not sure about fertility acupuncture, what have you got to lose? It is much less stressful and much lest costly than other avenues and it really will get body and mind ready for the beautiful journey that is pregnancy, it will hopefully help you in your goal (as it has mine twice) and the extras are other areas of your life can be improved (my skin, weight, and a calmer mind were my experiences), not only that the sense of inner peace is amazing once you had a session with Ali. So please, contact her and start to improve yourself as soon as you can.